Here's how EU citizens can vote in European elections in Croatia

30. April 2024.
Here's how EU citizens can vote in European elections in Croatia 1
immage Gong

Citizens of other European Union member states living in Croatia need to register by May 9 to be able to exercise their voting rights in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament on June 9.

Every person who holds citizenship of an EU member state is automatically an EU citizen. This status allows for the enjoyment of certain additional rights and benefits such as freedom of movement and work in other countries, as well as the opportunity to participate in democratic processes - such as the right to vote and stand as a candidate in elections for the European Parliament and local elections in the member state where the person resides.

EU citizens can vote in their country of origin, from abroad, or in the member state where they live, provided they vote only once.

To be able to vote, registration is required. Registration is done by submitting an application for registration in the voter register to the competent administrative authority no later than 30 days before the elections according to the place of residence in Croatia. Since the European elections will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, the deadline for submitting the application is May 9, 2024.

Here's how:

You need to physically go to the competent administrative authority in the county or the City of Zagreb that maintains the voter register (addresses are available HERE), request forms from the official, and fill out:

  • application for registration in the voter register
  • statement stating:
    • citizenship;
    • address of residence in Croatia;
    • previous place of residence abroad
    • intention to vote only in Croatia
    • that the right to vote has not been revoked in the country of origin
  • You need to attach a copy of (foreign) ID card/passport.

The forms to be filled out are exclusively in Croatian, so below we provide translations of these forms for easier completion. Do not print and fill out these forms with translations, find the originals HERE and HERE or request them at the relevant office.

Voters who submits this application will be removed from the voter register after the elections.

Here's how EU citizens can vote in European elections in Croatia 2