This paper is based on the research Croatia’s Captured Places conducted in three local and one regional government unit in Croatia (Dubrovnik, Slavonski Brod, Zagreb and the County of Istria). It was focused on actors and mechanisms of governance in which a system or parts of a system are appropriated by powerful individuals, groups or networks to favour their own interests. Furthermore, it explored the extent to which citizens of these communities were aware of such practices and citizens’ attitudes towards these practices.
On the basis on, for the most part, already publicly available information, validated by means of a combination of qualitative research methods, the research confirmed the presence of capture practices in each of the localities, albeit on a different scale, and adapted to local political contexts as well as to the nature and quantity of resources available. Furthermore, it confirmed the astuteness of actors in combining formal rules and informal practices in order to achieve particularistic interests.
The effects of capture produce numerous negative outcomes:
On its own, each of these elements has a negative effect on the political and social development of local communities, while their combined effects are seriously detrimental to the further development of democracy.
The study identified several policy areas “conducive” to capture in all chosen localities: (1) employment/appointments; (2) communal construction works (3) spatial planning; and (4) social policy measures. Each of them has specific, multiple functions that enable or perpetuate capture, as shown in the Table below:
Mechanisms |
expanding networks |
exerting control over networks |
increasing quantity and values of resources in the network |
resource distribution within network |
increasing chances of re-election |
gaining the political support of other political options |
employment/appointments |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
communal construction works |
x |
x |
x |
x |
spatial planning |
x |
x |
social policy measures |
x |
x |
Moreover, the study revealed that capture practices are enabled and supported by existing legal and institutional frameworks, and that they are developed in interaction between our identified agents of capture and the leading national parties (HDZ and SDP). The formal aspects of governance, i.e. the existing laws can become enablers which contribute to the further development and sustainability of informal practices and in the end contribute to capture and serve to undermine the declared purposes of measures proposed to safeguard consolidated democracy.
In terms of shared elements across the four localities, the study has identified the invisible hand of the political market in all localities, although the modalities of “political trading” between local and national levels are highly contextualised. Other shared elements fall under the heading of captured control mechanisms – political opposition, media and civil society – where weaknesses of the opposition are again locally highly context specific. As regards the local media, they are financially dependent on local authorities, which constrains almost entirely any type of criticism, and consequentially impedes their working in the public interest. The situation is similar with civil society, which tends to be weak at local level, and in the rare instances when civil society acts as a corrective of local state authorities, CSOs face public defamation and “disciplinary” measures – including the withdrawal of funding and/or working space.
The short-term positive effects of sets of policy measures do not decrease the longer-term negative effects of local state capture on the part of power networks, especially if they are analysed from the perspective of their function – ensuring re-election of those who make sure that particularistic interests are satisfied.
Since many of the identified practices do not represent a breach of legal norms, this, in part, explains the lack of serious and systemic attempts to restructure the country territorially. Namely, an “enabling” legal environment may be interpreted as a means to maintain the status quo, which facilitates power networks’ maintaining their position and status, thus increasing the amount of resources at their disposal. The power of the network largely stems from the value of the resources controlled, while the potential to increase that value in the future is a powerful motivation to uphold the status quo.
Regarding the citizens, the dominant position is that political corruption is the starting point of Croatian politics, so voting for a “benefactor” creating multiple patron-client relationships is not a problem for them. It is precisely in the latter where the biggest danger lies – failure to “punish” the lack of political accountability in elections means that the key mechanism of representative democracy has been lost – the control and eventual political “punishment” of the governing by the governed, i.e. citizens.
The lack of interest in politics and voter apathy suit power networks, since the lower the turnout at elections the higher their chances of electoral success. Electoral success, in turn, ensures the maintenance and spreading of the network. What also contributes are the decisions of parts of the judicial system, which by making contradictory decisions in cases of prosecuting political corruption, with many acquittals often on ‘technical’ grounds, additionally confuses citizens and undermines their trust in the system, further increasing the political apathy of voters.
Given the detected apathy and lack of interest of citizens and captured control mechanisms, the points of resistance to local state capture seem relatively weak, yet with a potential to be strengthened. As a form of contribution to this strengthening, we suggest two directions of possible action: (1) changes in the normative framework and (2) broader social engagement.
The relevant parts of the current normative framework are mostly enabling of state capture as it contributes to further development and sustainability of informal practices. The end result of such a framework undermines the declared purpose of suggested measures and normative solutions. At the same time, one should bear in mind that, given the flexibility of power networks, the end result of normative changes might be reduced to merely increasing the transaction costs of capture. Nonetheless, this risk does not decrease the necessity of these changes to take place. Indeed, if all the suggestions regarding the normative changes were implemented simultaneously, they would represent a revolutionary shock to the status quo. Thus, the primary advocacy goal of actors working towards improving the system and quality of (local) public governance should be the insistence on simultaneous changes to the legal framework.
Specific normative changes required:
Broader social engagement
Besides changing the legal framework, broader social engagement is also necessary, and should include at least the following: