Health Education to be introduced at start of this school year

28. August 2013.

All the educational, technical and procedural conditions to introduce Health Education (HE) in primary and secondary schools have been met and it will be introduced at the start of this school year, Minister of Science, Education and Sports Zeljko Jovanovic told a press conference on Wednesday.

He presented the results of a public debate, the Health Education Curriculum and handbooks that had been printed in 30,000 copies and would be delivered to schools in printed format or via the web.

HE is based on scientific truths and guarantees health for students and a better Croatian future and no-one will stop us in that, Jovanovic said after being questioned by reporters about a press release by the Vigilare civil society organisation which demands the introduction of two programmes which will give parents the option to choose or else parents will pull their children out of these classes.

Attitudes will not be imposed on children, instead they will be offered information which they can discuss with their parents and form their own attitude, said Jovanovic, adding that the aim of education is to improve health and develop free people and self-confident students.

A public debate was organised on-line during the summer in the form of four public forums in the larger cities and at meetings of interested groups with 254 education institutions participating, during which 1,967 objections and comments were received by associations and individuals.

A member of the HE Commission, Darko Tot, said that the idea of introducing two models was not upheld and that the proposed curriculum is scientifically founded, realistic, sustainable and effective and there is no reason to justify the need for two or more models.
