22. May 2009.

Please find project‘s reports here:

Pilot project season 2006/2007

Theworkshops were conductedin 143 high schools in the Republic of Croatia. 601 workshops were held during the second term, from 21 February to 7 May 2007. Twenty specially educated trainers conducted the workshops with more than 16,000 participating high school seniors.

Report for 2006/2007 (111 KB)

Project season 2007/2008

During February 2008, we launched the second season of the project with a goal to educate next 20,000 high school seniors through conducting 800 interactive workshops in all around Croatia. By the end of the second season of project, 22 trainers conducted 309 workshops for more than 8,000 high school seniors.

Report  for 2007/2008 (92 KB)
