Navigating the sea of ​​information – Media literacy of the 21st century

04. August 2023.
Navigating the sea of ​​information – Media literacy of the 21st century 1

In a world where information is more numerous and flows faster, the ability to critically evaluate and navigate the sea of ​​information is becoming an increasingly important skill. It has never been more useful to be able to effectively distinguish important from irrelevant, verified from untrue information. This is precisely why Gong, as part of the Adria Digital Media Observatory (ADMO), plans to hold six media literacy workshops for all citizens throughout Croatia over the next three years.

Through four sessions, the workshops will provide citizens with knowledge, skills and tools that will help them better understand the importance of media literacy, as well as to provide them with practical ways of applying them. Addressing topics such as political literacy, active political participation, the importance of informing oneself and spotting disinformation, participants will acquire practical skills for critical evaluation of information, more efficient navigation of social networks, the ability to make more responsible decisions related to the content they come into contact with, and resistance to unverified information. Equipped with these skills, the participants of the workshop will become a factor in positive change in the public sphere and in raising the quality of digital discourse.

We invite all those interested and eager for knowledge to continue following Gong's and ADMO's website, where there will soon be more information about the first workshop for 2023, set to be held in Zagreb!

Adria Digital Media Observatory (ADMO) is a newly established regional center for the fight against disinformation in digital media in Croatia and Slovenia. Namely, the European Commission selected six new centers, including ADMO, which join the European Observatory for Digital Media (EDMO), helping EDMO cover the entire territory of the European Union.

Through ADMO, the continuous production of fact-checking in Croatia and Slovenia will be ensured and a whole series of analytical reports and publications will be written on: the content of disinformation, its sources, the origin of narratives, the role of international actors in the spread of disinformation, its acceptance and exposure, the implementation of the Code of Conduct against disinformation (Code of Practice on Disinformation) in Croatia and the financial sustainability of the Croatian and Slovenian media sectors.

Navigating the sea of ​​information – Media literacy of the 21st century 2
Navigating the sea of ​​information – Media literacy of the 21st century 3