The beginning of April saw a flurry of preparatory activities under the auspices of ESF project “Media education is important.MOV”. The main objective of this project is development of a stable thematic network focused on building a more supportive support ecosystem for media literacy and media education in Croatia. The thematic network currently entails Gong and 10 organizations.
On April 7th virtual meeting was held with the objective of planning structured dialogue and media-advocacy campaign within this project. It was attended by representatives of Gong, Info zona, Kurziv, DOKKICA, Zlatna vrata and FER.
A one-day workshop aimed at building capacity of network members in influencing decision-making processes took place in facilities of Pragma on April 11th. Workshop was delivered by Maja Horvat, Executive Director of MAP Consulting, and attended by representatives of Gong, Pragma, Kurziv, Telecentar, Bacači sjenki and DOKKICA. This was followed up by a shorter workshop held on the same location the next day which saw the application of skills participants attained the previous day, aimed at planning key components of policy papers covering different aspects of media literacy and media education.
However, this was not the last activity of the MOV project on April 12th. Another meeting took place in the afternoon entailing representatives of Gong, Kurziv and Institute for Development and International Relations. This one was about planning an ex-ante analysis of the social impact the aforementioned policy papers may have in case they are turned into official public policy – i.e. if they are to be adopted by the Government.
These activities have laid the foundations for more visible outreach expected this autumn. So stay tuned for updates via Gong’s and web page of the MOV project.
Project is co-funded by the EU from the European Social Fund