The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) voted unanimously in favour of a resolution on the current refugee crisis, expressing a common concern on part of representatives of employers, trade unions and civil society organisations across the EU.
The Resolution, adopted on Wednesday, September 16 2015, expresses regret over the plight of the refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers and explicitly states securing safe access to the EU and extending a welcome to the people to be responsibility of all member states and a fundamental part of European values. The European Union is called to function as a legal union and to formulate a unified asylum law, starting with the revision of the Dublin Regulation.
"It is time for governments and politicians to follow the lead of citizens, associations, as well as many municipalities that are mobilizing much more and faster than our governments and the EU Institutions. The EESC regrets that the Council was not yet able to take the necessary decision in this pressing humanitarian crisis. Therefore the EESC urges the European Council to hold an extraordinary summit before the end of the month in order to reach an agreement on concrete measures and actions, including a fair quota scheme."
The entire text of the Resolution can be found here.