Formal educational system does not provide fundamental knowledge of political literacy. Thereby GONG launched a pilot educational program "Civic Literacy" within EDUcentre. Program included 27 high school teachers that were trained through three program modules (political, media and the EU literacy) on how to communicate idea of active citizenship to their students and, actually, how students can become citizens, not subjects.
Formal educational system does not provide fundamental knowledge of political literacy. Thereby GONG launched a pilot educational program "Civic Literacy" within EDUcentre. Program included 27 high school teachers that were trained through three program modules (political, media and the EU literacy) on how to communicate idea of active citizenship to their students and, actually, how students can become citizens, not subjects.
Bearing in mind the modest announcement of the Minister Jovanović (on Croatian): "In the elementary schools, civic education will be incorporated into teaching, while the high schools will be able to decide whether they want it as a standalone class or as part of others.", long-term goal of GONG’s EDUcentre is to provide an additional mechanism for informal lifelong learning for the education for democratic citizenship and to encourage the growth of civic competences.