Monitoring of implementation of national strategy for inciting development of civil society and action plan

22. August 2008.

GONG constantly monitors implementation of parts of National Strategy and its Action Plan. In addition, GONG representatives occasionally participate in working groups for implementing measures from the Action Plan.

GONG constantly monitors implementation of parts of National Strategy and its Action Plan. In addition, GONG representatives occasionally participate in working groups for implementing measures from the Action Plan.

In May 2008, the first Report on Implementation of Measures from the Action Plan of National Strategy was presented for the period February 1 2007 – February 1 2008, produced by the Government's Office for NGOs. During that period, a total of 53 measures was assigned, within 11 chapters. According to the Report, state institutions have comenced, and in some cases finished, implementing 34 measures, which is 64 % of total required for the year 2007. and January 2008.
